Cups Summary |
Shown in a section of its own
Grouped together as "European Cups"
- European Cup/Champions League - all England/Wales club results
- Cup Winners Cup - all England/Wales club results
- Fairs Cup/UEFA Cup/Europa League - all England/Wales club results
- Super Cup - all England/Wales club results
- Inter Toto Cup - all England/Wales club results
- (All Scottish Clubs results to 1992 so far also included)
Shown in sections of their own
- F A Cup from 1945 to date, rounds proper since 1888-1889, about last 5 rounds prior to then
- F A Trophy complete
- F A Vase complete
Scottish Cups
I've started collating Scottish cup information. While it is not yet
shown on any of the individual club pages (except the Scottish Cup),
summaries of winners are available,
and pages on some particular seasons are also available.
Northern Irish Cups
Likewise, the addition of Northern Irish data is at a very early stage. A very small collection of Irish Cup data
is al that has been added so far, and even that has not been transferred to club pages.
Shown together as "other cups", with the keys as stated below
There is also a
short cut here to a set of pages detailing information
about this season's cup comeptitions.
Other cup details to be added as and when information available, and time
allows. County cups and league cups are not shown in individual club pages,
but pages of annual summaries are under construction.
County Cups
This is a section of the website currently still being developed. It will list
the winners of the senior county cups from 1985-86 to date (carrying on from where
the excellent "
Non-League" by Bob Barton left off).
Welsh County/Regional Cups
Central Wales |
Gwent |
North East Wales |
North Wales Coast |
South Wales |
Annual Cup Summaries
This section gives links to year-by-year summaries of cup winners, individual
competitions being linked to within those summaries.
Last, but not least, I've started work on the F.A. Sunday Cup. This does not
mean I will be taking an interest in any other Sunday Cups or Leagues.
Return to introduction
Please credit the F.C.H.D. when using this information elsewhere