FCHD logo 2019-20 Liverpool Premier logo

Liverpool County Premier League


Before this season


As with most other leagues, the Liverpool County Premier League was suspended after the country was "locked down" on the outbreak of the Covid-19 pandemic. The Premier Division was eventually declared null and void, while Division One was determined on a points per game basis.


League Tables at the point of suspension

      Premier Division
 Pos  Name                            Pld    W    D    L   GF   GA  Pts
      M S B Woolton                    21   19    1    1   88   26   60 *
      East Villa                       18   15    0    3   77   28   45
      B R N E S C                      18   15    0    3   76   32   45
      Liverpool Nalgo                  16   13    1    2   67   24   40
      Liver Academy                    21   13    1    7   59   46   40
      Waterloo Dock                    18   11    2    5   63   48   35
      Alder                            20    8    2   10   54   57   26
      Sefton Athletic                  19    8    2    9   48   58   25 #
      Page Celtic                      16    7    2    7   47   37   23
      Lower Breck reserves             21    6    3   12   47   56   21
      Bankfield Old Boys               20    5    5   10   36   63   20
      F C Pilchy                       19    5    4   10   37   48   19
      Old Xaverians                    17    4    5    8   22   33   17
      A F C Liverpool reserves         21    3    1   17   41   89   10
      Alumni                           23    3    1   19   32  110   10
      Waterloo Grammar School Old B    20    3    2   15   40   79    8
* - MSB Woolton 2 points awarded
# - Sefton Athletic 1 point deducted

      Division One
 Pos  Name                            Pld    W    D    L   GF   GA  Pts    PPG
   1  Quarry Bank Old Boys             16   14    2    0   80   16   44   2.75
   2  The Lute                         16   13    2    1   64   21   41   2.56
   3  The Empress                      19   15    3    1   90   35   48   2.53
   4  F C Bernie Mays                  16   10    1    5   59   39   31   1.94
   5  Red Rum                          18   11    0    7   41   35   33   1.83
   6  B R N E S C reserves             16    9    0    7   37   56   27   1.69
   7  Kirkby Town                      20   10    1    9   80   54   31   1.55
   8  Stoneycroft                      17    8    2    7   56   42   26   1.53
   9  Marshalls Roby                   16    6    4    6   53   34   22   1.38
  10  A F C Kirkby                     16    6    3    7   45   60   21   1.31
  11  Old Xaverians reserves           18    4    3   11   28   67   17 * 0.94
  12  Botanic                          20    5    1   14   35   82   16   0.80
  13  Edge Hill B C O B                17    3    2   12   23   50   10 # 0.59 
  14  Roma                             19    1    2   16   25   74    8 ! 0.42
  15  Liveprool Hibernia               16    2    0   14   22   73    3 ! 0.19
      M S B Woolton Vikings            Record expunged
      River Junior                     Record expunged
* - Old Xaverians reserves 2 points awarded
# - Edge Hill BCOB 1 point deducted
! - Roma and Liverpool Hibernia each 3 points deducted

After this season

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