Philippines Flag


Philippines Flag
Date of Issue SG Cat No. Description
7/1/2000 3292 25th anniversary of commission on role of women, 5p woman holding gender signs
2/2/2000 3293 Centenary of Manila Bulletin Newspaper, 5p headline and newspaper HQ
6/2/2000 3294-5 Presidential Office, 2x5p former presidents
2/3/2000 3296-9 150th anniversary of La Union Province, 4x5p scenes
13/3/2000 3300-9 Presidential Office, 10x5p, 1 of seal, 9 of former presidents
20/3/2000 3310 Centerary of Civil Service Commission, 5p workers and emblem
7/4/2000 3311-3 New Millennium, 2nd series, 3x5p artefacts
14/4/2000 3314-7 & MS3318 Tourist Sites, 4x5p views + MS 15p rice terraces
8/5/2000 3319-20 & MS3321 25th anniversary of Diplomatic relations with China, 2v scenes + MS of both
1/6/2000 3322 50th anniversary of GMA TV & Radio Network, 5p TV and emblem
1/6/2000 3323 400th anniversary of St Thomas de Aquinas Parish, 5p church building
19/6/2000 3324-31 Presidential office, 2x10p,2x11p,2x13p,2x15p
19/6/2000 3332-5 Battle Centenaries, 4x5v memorials
3/7/2000 3336-45 Presidental office, 10v similar to 3000-9
21/7/2000 3346-53 & MS3354 Insects, 8x5p beetles and bugs + 2x MS with 4 each
30/8/2000 3355 50th anniversary of Lucena Diocese, 5p cathedral map and emblem
30/8/2000 3356 50th anniversary of Occuapational Health Nurses Assoc, 5p nurses and patients
22/9/2000 3357-9 New Millennium, 3rd series, 3x5p sea craft
26/9/2000 3360 50th anniversary of Equitable PCI Bank, 5p bank note, computer mouse, emblem
29/9/2000 3361 Year of Overseas Filipino Workers, 5p ship, globe, workers etc.
10/10/2000 3362 50th anniv of Teresian Association in Philippines, 5p founder, buildings and emblem
10/10/2000 3363 House of Representatives, 5p Congress in session
18/10/2000 3364 50th anniversary of Philippine Marine Corps, 5p soldiers and emblem
18/10/2000 3365-8 & MS3369 2000 Olympic Games, 4v running/archery/shooting/diving + MS 4x5p diff sports
6/11/2000 MS3370 Postal Service, MS 15p boy, envelopes and statue of postman
15/11/2000 3371-4 & MS3375 Sheer Realities Exhibition, 4v clothing + MS of 2v
22/11/2000 3376-80 Christmas, 5v angels
23/11/2000 3381-4 50th anniversary of Amateur Philatelists Organisation, 4x5p old stamps
24/11/2000 3385 No. 1977 (1986 3rd death anniversary of Benigno Aquino, 3p60) surcharged P5.00
30/11/2000 3386-9 & MS3390 Modern Art, 4v artworks + MS 15p further painting
1/12/2000 3391-2 & MS3393 New Year, Year of the snake, 2v snakes + MS of both, perf and imperf versions exist
28/12/2000 3394-6 New Millennium, 4th series, 3x5p Trade/Education/Communications
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