Mongolia Flag


Mongolia Flag
Date of Issue SG Cat No. Description
2000 SG 2795-6 New Year, 2v dragons
2000 SG MS2797 Mongolia-Japan Friendship, MS 2v wrestler/emblem
2000 SG 2798-2801 SG 739-42 (postal communications from 1973) O/P with surcharge
2000 SG 2802-31 Jerry Garcia, 30v
2000 SG MS2832 New Millennium, MS 17v
2000 SG MS2833(2) Trains, 1st series, 2x MS
2000 SG MS2834(2) Trains, 1st series, 2x MS
2000 SG MS2835(2) Trains, 1st series, 2x MS
2000 SG MS2836(2) Trains, 1st series, 2x MS
2000 SG 2837-8 10th anniversary of production and service Co-Operative, 2v emblem
2000 SG 2839-46 Traditional costumes, 8x550t
2000 SG 2847-56 Aspects of Buddha, 10v
2000 SG 2857-64 Przewalski's Horse, 8v horses
2000 SG 2865-76 Ferrari racing cars, 6x300t, 6x350t
2000 SG 2877-80 2000 Olympic Games, 4v Boxing/wrestling/judo/shooting
2000 SG MS2881-2(2) I Love Lucy, 3xMS
2000 SG MS2884-5(2) Three Stooges, 3xMS
2000 SG 2886-95 20th century events, 10v
2000 SG 2896-9 & MS2900 Marmots, 4v + MS
2000 SG MS2901 Einstein, MS 9v
2000 SG 2902-7 Traditional designs, 6v
2000 SG 2908 1st Death anniversary of JFK Junior, 300t portait of Kennedy
2000 SG 2909-17 National Symbols, 9x300t
2000 SG 2918-22 Queens, 5v ancient queens
2000 SG MS2923(2)-4(2) Trains, 2nd series, 4xMS
2000 SG MS2925 Endangered Species, MS 10v
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