Luxembourg Flag


Luxembourg Flag
Date of Issue SG Cat No. Description
2000 SG 1335 9f Definitive, Grand Duke Jean facing right, pink & black
2000 SG 1515-8 Millennium 4xA Rate, 2000 with blue streaks in different directions, self-adhesive
2000 SG 1519 500th birth anniversary of Emperor Charles V, A rate portait
2000 SG 1520-1 Tourism 2xA Rate, castle/local government offices
2000 SG 1522 World Mathematics Year, 80f "2000" and formulae
2000 SG 1523-8 Musical Instruments, 6v horn/guitar/sax/violin/accordion/piano
9/5/2000 SG 1535 Centenary of Esch-sur-Alzette Gas Works, 16f works from 1930s picture
2000 SG 1536-8 Ducks, 3v Mallard/Pochard/Tufted Duck
2000 SG 1539 Europa, 21f Building Europe
2000 SG 1540 50th anniversary of Schuman Plan, 21f Monnet and Schuman
27/9/2000 SG 1541 20th anniversary of Blast Furnace B, A rate Blast Furnace @ Esch-Belval
27/9/2000 SG 1542-3 Circular City Walks, 2v castle walls and tower/bridge and tower
27/9/2000 SG 1544+MS1545 Swearing in of Prince Henri as Head of State, 18f double portait and MS of prince & princess
27/9/2000 SG 1546-8 Modern Art 1st series, 3v paintings
2000 SG 1549 Christmas, 18f+2f Child in front of Christmas Tree
2000 SG 1550-3 National Welfare Fund, 4v with charity surcharge, 16th century drawings by Jean Bartels
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