Cook Islands Flag


Cook Islands Flag
Date of Issue SG Cat No. Description
20/10/2000 SG 707-710 & MS711 Queen Elizabeth, the Queen Mother's 100th Birthday, 4v plus MS
14/12/2000 SG 712-715 & MS716 2000 Olympic Games, Sydney, sheetlet of 4v plus MS
Aitutaki SG 707-10

100th Birthday of Queen Elizabeth, the Queen Mother. Sheetlet of 4 stamps

SG 707 - $3 Queen Mother in evening dress and tiara

SG 708 - $3 Queen Mother in evening dress standing by table

SG 709 - $3 Queen Mother in garter robes

SG 710 - $3 King George VI and Queen Elizabeth

Aitutaki SG MS711

100th Birthday of Queen Elizabeth, the Queen Mother. Miniature Sheet 73x100mm

SG MS711 - $7.50 Queen Mother holding lilies

Aitutaki SG 712-15

2000 Olympic Games, Sydney. Sheetlet of 4 stamps

SG 712 - $2 Ancient wrestling

SG 713 - $2 Moder Wrestlers

SG 714 - $2 Ancient boxer

SG 715 - $2 Modern boxers

Aitutaki SG MS716

2000 Olympic Games, Sydney. Miniature Sheet 99x90mm

SG MS716 - $2.75 Olympic torch relay reaches the Cook Islands


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