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Plymouth & West Devon League

Plymouth & West Devon League logo

The current Plymouth & West Devon League (Combination until 2016) is of comparitively recent vintage, being formed from the merger of the previous Plymouth & District League and the Plymouth Combination, and then the two local Sunday league.

As of 2018-19, the league is made up of 3 Saturday divisions and 2 Sunday divisions (which are outside the scope of the FCHD), with the Premier Division being a feeder to the South West Peninsula League.


Recent Divisional Champions (Incomplete list)

Season Premier Division Senior Division Intermediate Division
2007-08 Wessex LA Rangers Royal Mail Horrabridge Rangers reserves
2008-09 Mount Gould Ordulph Arms Roborough reserves

The divisions were re-named in 2009.

Season Division One Division Two Division Three
2009-10 Tamarside Roborough reserves Windsor Car Sales
2010-11 Mount Gould Chaddlewood Miners OB Vospers Oak Villa reserves

Division Four was added in 2011.

Season Division One Division Two Division Three Division Four
2011-12 Roborough Lee Moor Hideaway Cafe The Windmill
2012-13 Mount Gould Athletic The Windmill Plymouth Hope Sporting Plymouth
2013-14 Mount Gould Morley Rangers "A" Sporting Plymouth Ernesettle DRDE Trust

In 2014, the divisions were renamed.

Season Premier Division Division One Division Two Division Three
2014-15 Mount Gould Bar Sol Ona Belgrave Pennycross SC
2015-16 Plymouth Marjon Millbridge reserves Lakeside Athletic West Hart Rangers
2016-17 The Windmill Lakeside Athletic Chaddlewood Inn Lakeside Athletic reserves
2017-18 Mount Gould Maristow Millbridge "A" Horrabridge Rangers

Division Three was dropped in 2018.

Season Premier Division Division One Division Two
2018-19 Mount Gould The Windmill reserves Lakeside Athletic reserves

The F.C.H.D. does not have the complete final table information for this league

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