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Liverpool Old Boys Amateur League

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Formed in 1923, the Liverpool Old Boys Amateur league currently (as of 2018-19) has three divisions.


Recent Divisional Champions (incomplete list)

Season Division One Division Two Division Three Division Four Division Five
1990-91 Old Wallaseyans Quarry Bank OB Old Bootleians Alsop OB Fatima OB

In 1991, Division Six was re-established.

Season Division One Division Two Division Three Division Four Division Five Division Six
1991-92 Old Wallaseyans Essemmay OB Fatima OB Woodchurch HS OB Old Bootleians Hugh Baird TC SS
1992-93 Old Wallaseyans Hugh Baird TC SS Bootech OB Alsop OB St Marys COB Hugh Baird TC SS
1993-94 Royal Insurance Walker Park Old Xaverians Litherland HOB Old Swan TC Oakes Institute OB
1994-95 Walker Park FC Salle Old Xaverians Old Bootleians Fatima OB Butler Street OB
1995-96 FC Salle South Mersey Old Bootleians Shorefields OB St Marys COB Federation OB
1996-97 Hillfort Hey OB High Baird TC SS Old Xaverians Old Xaverians Alsop OB Old Bootleians
1997-98 Hugh Baird TC SS De La Salle OB Cardinal Newman St Marys COB Bootech OB Corinthian
1998-99 Hope Park Shorefields OB Old Xaverians Bootech OB Bootech OB Old Cathinians

Division Six was dropped in 1999.

Season Division One Division Two Division Three Division Four Division Five
1999-2000 Hope Park Bankfield OB Hillfort Hey OB Sacre Coeur FP De La Salle OB
2000-01 Walker Park Essemmay OB St Mary COB Old Bootleians De La Salle OB
2001-02 Old Xaverian Cardinal Newman Collegiate OB Christ the King OB St Charles OB
2002-03 Old Xaverian Collegiate OB Old Xaverians Business School Old Xaverians
2003-04 Hope Park St Marys COB Collegiate OB Old Xaverians Naylorsfield
2004-05 Collegiate OB Croxteth Comp OB Naylorsfield Waterloo GSOB Alumni
2005-06 Bankfield OB Naylorsfield Sacre Coeur FP Alumni St Benedicts OB
2006-07 Bankfield OB Alumni Bootech OB St Marys COB Quarry Bank OB
2007-08 Naylorsfield Waterloo GSOB Bankfield OB Quarry Bank OB Waterloo GSOB
2008-09 Old Bootleian Heygreen OB Old Holts Old Cathinians Roby College OB
2009-10 Waterloo GSOB Old Cathinians South Mersey Quarry Bank OB De La Salle OB
2010-11 Roby College OB Quarry Bank OB Quarry Bank OB Old Bootleians Waterloo GSOB
2011-12 DLS Academy Waterloo GSOB Old Bootleians Sacre Coeur FP Quarry Bank OB
2012-13 Old Holts Quarry Bank OB Bankfield OB Old Cathinians Old Xaverians

In 2013, Division Five was dropped.

Season Division One Division Two Division Three Division Four
2013-14 Quarry Bank OB Old Bootleians Hope Park Old Xaverians
2014-15 Quarry Bank OB Roby College OB Quarry Bank OB "A" Oakes Institute OB
2015-16 Bankfield OB Old English ACOL De La Salle OB
2016-17 Quarry Bank OB Waterloo GSOB res Waterloo GSOB "A" Collegiate OB "B"
2017-18 Alumni res St Margaret's OB Quarry Bank OB "A" DLS

Division Four was lost in 2018.

Season Division One Division Two Division Three
2018-19 Quarry Bank OB res Oakes Institute Woodstreet res

The F.C.H.D. does not have the complete final table information for this league.

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