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I Zingari Combination

I Zingari Combination logo

The I Zingari Combination was founded in 1904 and for most of the next century served as a reserve league for the I Zingari League. When that league merged with the Liverpool County Combination to form the Liverpool County Premier League, the I Zingari Combination was fully established as a stand alone competition.

As of 2018-19, it runs just one single section.


Recent Divisional Champions (Incomplete list)

Season Division One Division Two
2008-09 Old Xaverians "A" Alder reserves
2009-10 Manweb Park Brow
2010-11 Old Xaverians reserves AFC Tuebrook
2011-12 Liver Academy South Liverpool reserves
2012-13 Jaymc Liobians
2013-14 Essemay OB Liver V

In 2014, the two divisions were merged to a single section.

Season Champions
2014-15 East Liverpool
2015-16 Mount Athletic
2016-17 The Saddle
2017-18 Stoneycroft
2018-19 Empress
2019-20 Season declared null and void

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