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Isle of Man FA League

Isle of Man FA logo

Football on Man consists of two divisions for first teams and two divisions for reserve sides, termed Combination Divisions.


Recent Divisional Champions (Incomplete list)

Season Division One Division Two
2000-01 Peel Ayre United
2001-02 Peel Colby
2002-03 St Mary's Ramsey
2003-04 St Georges Douglas Royal
2004-05 St Georges St Johns United
2005-06 Laxey Union Mills
2006-07 St Georges DHSOB

Division One was renamed the Premier League for 2007-08.

Season Division One Division Two
2007-08 St Georges Colby
2008-09 St Georges St Johns
2009-10 Rushen United Douglas Royal
2010-11 St Georges St Johns United
2011-12 St Georges Union Mills
2012-13 St Georges Michael United
2013-14 St Georges Gymnasium
2014-15 St Georges Marown
2015-16 St Georges Douglas Athletic
2016-17 St Georges Braddan
2017-18 St Georges Marown
2018-19 St Marys Ramsey
2019-20 Season declared null and void

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