1935-36   Joined Leicestershire League
1937-38   Results of two games not traced
1938-39   Leicestershire League Champions
1939-40   Peacetime season abandoned
          League reverted to title Leicstershire Senior League
          Withdrew during wartime season, record expunged

SEASON    LEAGUE     P    W    D    L    F    A    P      POS

1935-36   LEICS     30   13    6   11   84   63   32      6/16
1936-37   LEICS     24   11    2   11   59   74   24      8/13
1937-38   LEICS     24   15    2    7   88   52   32      5/14
1938-39   LEICS     26   17    4    5  101   36   38      1/14
1939-40   LEICS-p    3    2    0    1   10    4    4     ABAND

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