2006-07   Joined Northern Alliance Division Two (from N Northumberland League)
2010-11   Resigned mid-season, record expunged
?         Rejoined Northern Alliance
2022-23   Promoted to Division Two
2023-24   Three points deducted
2024      Left Northern Alliance

SEASON    LEAGUE     P    W    D    L    F    A    P      POS

2006-07   N ALL-2   26   10    6   10   57   52   36      8/14
2007-08   N ALL-2   30   12    4   14   58   60   40     10/16
2008-09   N ALL-2   28   11    3   14   49   61   36     12/15
2009-10   N ALL-2   30   16    7    7   69   38   55      4/16

2023-24   N ALL-2   26   13    2   11   55   43   38 *    6/15


1939-40   EP    CHOPWELL COLLIERY                   H    8-4
1945-46   1Q    NEWBURN                             A    1-3
1946-47   PRE   GOSFORTH & COXLODGE                 A    2-6
1947-48   PRE   ANNFIELD PLAIN                      A    2-5
1948-49   PRE   BLYTH SPARTANS                      H    0-4
1949-50   EP    NEWBIGGIN COLLIERY WELFARE          H    0-2
1950-51   PRE   HEXHAM HEARTS                       H    1-1
          PREr  HEXHAM HEARTS                       A    SCR
1951-52   1Q    SHANKHOUSE                          H    3-4
1952-53   1Q    ASHINGTON                           H    0-4
1953-54   1Q    NEWBURN                             H    3-3
          1Qr   NEWBURN                             A    SCR

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